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3M INTRALOT - 15 Inch Touch Screen USB
Inclusief standaard en alle kabels
€ 74,50*
FEC MP-3275 Kassasysteem - Touchscreen - All in one - 15 Inch
FEC MP-3275A Kassasysteem zonder software
€ 259,00
€ 209,00*
HP POS Kassa Systeem RP5700 - Desktop PC
HP POS Kassa Systeem RP5700 Dual Core 1800 MhzMemory:Â 1024 MBHard Disc: 160GBÂ Drive: DVD-RW
€ 45,00*
HP RP7 i3 Point of Sale retail System - All in one 8MB - 15 Inch - model 7800
HP RP7 Point of Sale System All in one - Intel Core I3- 2120- 3,9GHZ - 8GB Memory - Hard Disc: 120Gb
€ 349,00*
HP RP7 Point of Sale retail System i3 - All in one - 15 Inch - model 7800
HP RP7 Point of Sale System All in one - Intel Core I3- 2120- 3,3GHZ - 4GB Memory - Hard Disc: 120Gb
€ 399,00
POSIFLEX KS-7215 Kassasysteem - Touchscreen - All in one - 15 Inch
Kassasysteem zonder software
€ 179,00*
Vectron POS Color Touch Kassasysteem - Touchscreen - All in one - 15 Inch
Vectron - Touch Kassa - Zonder voedingsadapter en software
€ 85,00*
Vectron - Touch Kassa - Met voedingsadapter - Zonder Software
€ 149,00*
Vectron Steel Touch II Kassasysteem - Touchscreen - All in one - 15 Inch
Vectron - Touch Kassa -
€ 249,00*